Month: May 2020

TODAY: In 1906, Henrik Ibsen dies. If you’re not already rereading your favorite books all the time, Natalie Jenner recommends it. | Lit Hub Gabrielle Bellot on the disconcerting parallels between “The Machine Stops,” E.M. Forster’s only foray into sci-fi, and our current socially distanced reality. | Lit Hub The only successful coup in the US began as a campaign to
The US Attorney General has been banging on about 5G, hot on the heels of demands the country wins at 6G too. Never before has telecoms been so politicised. US President Trump is increasingly relying on his demonization of Huawei for political capital and now Attorney General Bill Barr has decided to position the ‘race
Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Friday that Americans could have “some semblance of normalcy” in the coming months, as long as certain precautions around the coronavirus continue to be taken.  “I think if we’re all careful this summer we can take a breather and get back to some semblance of normalcy,” Gottlieb said on “Squawk Box.”
New York City native Peter Jurasik is best known for his role as the Centauri diplomat with a crazy haircut Londo Mollari — who serves as the Emperor of the Centauri Republic — in the ’90s space show “Babylon 5.” Peter Jurasik shared the science fiction screen with some awesome actors including Andreas Katsulas as