ballyhoo magazine

When renown fashion designer Sue Wong undertook the restoration of her beloved The Cedars, the breathtaking palazzo she calls home, no detail nor expense was spared nor overlooked in reinstituting its past grandeur. The Cedars was once the fabled Grande Dame, the epitome of Old Hollywood glamour and reputedly the most opulent home of its
“Sometimes Love Is Born…..From Second Chances” “For The Love Of Jessee,” the highly anticipated new award winning film from acclaimed writer/director David McAbee is now available….watch it today! Synopsis: After an accident leaves Doctor Luke Matthews (Randy Wayne) a widower and a father in a matter of hours, he must learn how to start over.
One of the most genre defying, musically insane bands Revolushn has recently released a new single called “Electric.” Because of the timely theme of the song, the super-sensational video, and the genius of frontman and writer “No” (aka Frank Schubert), the song has sky rocketed creating a massive Spotify buzz. I revisited the California based