Following Rakuten and Spotify, messaging service Telegram has filed a complaint with the European Commission regarding Apple’s App Store. The antirust complaint is along the same line which we have seen elsewhere; the 30% commission is too much, while preventing iPhone users from downloading apps from alternative channels is anticompetitive. The official complaint against Apple
A couple days before the New Orleans Pelicans traveled down to the NBA’s bubble, Zion Williamson and Jeff Bzdelik were chatting after a practice. The 67-year-old associate head coach told the superstar rookie that he wouldn’t be joining the team in Florida. Instead Bzdelik, one of the NBA’s most experienced and respected teachers, would fly
Madeon taps Game of Thrones in his new music video for “Miracle.” The striking visual presentation is directed by Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) and stars Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), both known for their captivating roles in the popular HBO fantasy series. In this plot twist, they’re reunited through music. Madeon tells how the collaboration came
The total number of subscribers is often a misleading statistic, and in Reliance Jio’s case, it certainly isn’t telling the whole story. With the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) releasing subscriber data for both wireless and fixed telecoms services each month, there is often an interesting story. This month sees Reliance Jio’s percentage of
Inside the Gate Gourmet 110,000 square-feet facility near Dulles Int. Airport. Astrid Riecken | The Washington Post | Getty Images Three House Democrats on Wednesday slammed airline contractors that laid off more than 9,000 employees despite accepting millions in federal coronavirus aid. The lawmakers asked Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to stop aid to the companies
Restrictions vary across the country—here’s what to know before flying After months of Instagram strolling, Netflix-watching and recipe experimentation of quarantine, we are all itching to get away now that the weather is warmer and businesses are reopening. To help you navigate the complicated flight and travel restrictions across Canada, and internationally, we’ve rounded up