The highly anticipated new horror film “The Bleeding Dark” directed by Jason Hawkins (American Bully, Tuesday Never Comes) and produced by Joseph Kelly (Clown Motel, A Star Is Born, Bumblebee) with Angela Joseph( Clown Motel, Blind, 13 Fan Boy) has just launched it’s official KICKSTARTER campaign. The film stars Eileen Dietz (The Exorcist) with special
Photography courtesy of L’Oréal Paris. Plus, how to replicate the looks at home. By Natasha Bruno Date August 13, 2020 icon-facebook icon-twitter In the face of Covid-19 safety measures, FASHION had to embrace a totally new method of image-making for our September issue cover with L’Oréal Paris. A traditional photo shoot would have seen makeup
American Airlines passenger planes crowd a runway where they are parked due to flight reductions to slow the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), at Tulsa International Airport in Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S. March 23, 2020. Nick Oxford | Reuters American Airlines is preparing to scrap flights serving two-dozen medium and small cities as the expiration of federal
August 13, 2020, 12:28pm There’s nothing I love more than a demonic preacher. Whether it’s murderous Robert Mitchum singing “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” as he stalks children through the friscalating West Virginia dusklight in Night of the Hunter, or supernatural misogynist Nathan Fillion spouting quasi-biblical quotes as he picks off potential Slayers in Buffy,
Like whether trimming your hair regularly will *actually* make it grow faster No matter where you get your beauty info from—whether it’s magazines, social media or good ol’ word of mouth—it’s safe to say that the abundance of sources and information available at any given time has made things, well, pretty confusing at times. With
Despite there being aggressive marketing campaigns to drive awareness of 5G, Canalys suggests uptake of the devices has been modest best. While Apple stormed into the number one spot for smartphone shipments across the second quarter of 2020, Samsung struggled to shift its flagship devices, as 5G failed to blossom in a market dominated by
Aircraft operated by Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. stand on the tarmac at Hong Kong International Airport in Hong Kong, China, on Friday, Aug. 7, 2020. Paul Yeung | Bloomberg | Getty Images Singapore Airlines and Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific Airways will “inevitably” take a longer time to recover from the coronavirus crisis, an aviation consultant