TODAY: In 1944, poet Eavan Boland is born.  “Constipation is being good, keeping between the lines, staying small, keeping contained, following the rules (or pretending to). Taking a shit is being bad.” Jessica Gross provides possibly the definitive literary survey of… constipation. | Lit Hub Criticism Dynastic privilege, a terrible novel, and the race for a
Lord Livingston will serve as chairman of a new taskforce designed to broaden the UK telecoms industry’s supply chain, Digital Infrastructure Minister Matt Warman revealed on Wednesday. The so-called Telecoms Diversification Taskforce will be headed up by the former BT boss and will include members from the telecoms industry and academia, Warman announced at Connected
As an artist sometimes you have big dreams. And if you’re lucky enough to find some success, you may also have a pretty big budget on your hands. But that doesn’t mean that the money is always put to great use, as evidenced by this list of the 10 Most Expensive Rock + Metal Albums.
Selected by Dr Oliver Tearle Ever since the Victorians, fantasy fiction has been a huge part of children’s literature. Indeed, classic fantasy novels for children actually emerged some time before serious fantasy literature for adults – modern fantasy, at least – became popular. In this post, we introduce 12 must-read fantasy novels for children and
Getty Images United Airlines is turning to a Google-powered interactive maps to help still-scarce travelers find destinations that fit the coronavirus era. The map, which launched on United’s website Wednesday, allows travelers to punch in the most they want to spend on a ticket and filter airports by their destination activities or descriptions: beaches, beer and
RANKED: The 12 Best Designs by the Late Ron Cobb is taking a look at the best designs by the late Ron Cobb. Check out our picks below! Legendary underground cartoonist turned production designer and concept artist, Ron Cobb, passed away on his birthday Monday at the age of 83. Star Wars, one of the
Drawing on his considerable experience in such matters, Facebook’s Vice President for Global Affairs and Communications has fine-tuned his company’s position on data transfers. Speaking on a panel concerned with European funding and regulation of the tech sector, Clegg (pictured) was challenged by the moderator over headlines suggesting Facebook would pull out of Europe if
Metallica are the biggest heavy metal band of all time. Their catalog is among the most fiercely debated in all of music, which calls for a be-all-end-all of sorts. That means ranking all 115 of their songs. The band formed in Los Angeles in 1981 when drummer Lars Ulrich secured a spot on Metal Blade Records’ Metal