Photography by Ryan Maxwell.New pieces feature upcycled elements and boast an ungendered approach to design. By Odessa Paloma Parker Date October 30, 2020 icon-facebook icon-twitter When Kevin Klover and Sunny Basran launched their Vancouver-based brand Sevin Kasran, they were coming at it from the position of being fashion fans but design outsiders. Neither have formal
5G holds a great deal of promise, but as with any new undertaking, there are a lot of risks and unknowns. What was acceptable on 3G networks became unacceptable by 4G standards, and the same will be true of 5G. It is, after all, human nature to want and expect more. But when the consequences
Lawal says that the institutional resistance isn’t surprising. “What you find is a lot of the relationship between older people and younger people here tends to be built on systems that thrive on violence. When a system thrives on violence, the moment you try to eradicate that violence, it pushes back.” Yet, “young people rose