Aug. 1, 1981 was the day that MTV invaded cable systems across the U.S. for the first time. “MTV” stood for “Music Television,” and the network operated as something of a loosely formatted radio station that played videos. However, as artists didn’t routinely film videos, the channel was somewhat limited in what it could play; the
July 31, 2020, 9:12am Gore Vidal—essayist, historian, novelist, public intellectual, and Norman Mailer antagonist (Mailer headbutted him backstage at the Dick Cavett Show over a piece in the NYRB in which Vidal compared Mailer’s views of women to Charles Manson’s)—died on this day in 2012. Thinking of Vidal reminded me of an incredible interview I
Prospect of much tighter controls on social media sparks renewed interest in privacy tools. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s increasingly censorious president, has sparked another rush for VPN services. No, this is not the result of some government campaign to encourage VPN adoption, but a reaction to upcoming legislation that threatens to stamp out basic internet
A Day to Remember bassist Josh Woodard has released a statement in response to recent allegations of sexual assault/misconduct. In his statement, which was shared as an image of a text file on Twitter, Woodard denied the “false” allegations, saying the “events described never happened.” In late June and early July, multiple women recounted past
TODAY: In 1978, Barbara Pym is a guest on Desert Island Discs. Gregory Pardlo writes a letter to Juneteenth: “You are a brick in the historical foundation upon which our country might reimagine its collective future.” | Lit Hub Politics Introducing Mighty SONG Writers, a weekly video series to benefit education non-profit Mighty Writers. First up:
The extensive measures taken by the NBA to create a secure, coronavirus-free bubble in which to conclude its season have been well-documented and, so far, remarkably successful. But the process the league went through to build enough courts to host 22 teams, and make them safe, was in some ways just as complex a challenge.
The judges have had their say – now it’s your turn. By FASHION Staff Date July 30, 2020 icon-facebook icon-twitter FASHION’s virtual runway competition Slay The Runway II, a co-production with Karim Olen Ash and XPOSED and presented in association with Tide and Jean Paul Gaultier, in support of The 519, just finished on IGTV (click