Translated by Ellen Elias-Bursać “They ate, they drank, behind they left nothing for us.”–Roma fairy tale* The Slovenian pop group Zaklonišče prepeva [Air-Raid Shelter Singing] recorded the song “Samo da prođe demokratija” [“If Only Democracy Would Pass”]. Their video made the rounds in the post-Yugoslav countries on the internet and in social media when it
Somewhat surprisingly it looks like the European Union is going to do the right thing and stay out of a merger between two UK companies. Normally the European Commission, or one of the countless other state appendages that sprout from the EU blob, would be all over something like the proposed merger between O2 UK
Watching a loved one afflicted with dementia is a hardship many of us go through and it was one AC/DC‘s Angus Young experienced first hand in recent years. Co-founder Malcolm Young sadly died from the effects of the impairment in 2017, but his brother Angus Young recalled one particularly bright anecdote from those final years, noting that hearing a guitar
image courtesy of kotnIt includes bedding, comforters and tea towels crafted out of ethically-sourced Egyptian cotton. By Pahull Bains Date November 17, 2020 icon-facebook icon-twitter Purveyor of ethically-made cotton basics, Toronto-based brand Kotn has now expanded its offerings into home. Given how much time we’re all spending at home this year, this collection—which includes two
November 17, 2020, 2:04pm As many on this side of the pond may not know, Manchester United and England footballer Marcus Rashford is currently all that stands between the United Kingdom and compete moral ruination. In a year where a particularly grotesque grotesquerie of Brexiteer Tories consolidated power, Rashford’s public campaigns on the issues of homelessness
Editor’s Note — This story was current at the time of last publication on November 16 and will be updated periodically. However, you should still check with the official state websites before you commit to travel plans, especially as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. (CNN) — With cases of Covid-19 reaching new heights in the United
Alamo Drafthouse Auctioning Off Rare Mondo Prints Yes, there is a basement in the Alamo, and it’s ready to open for visitors. Alamo Drafthouse Cinema is inviting guests to Invade the Alamo Basement – an ongoing sale of Alamo Drafthouse and Mondo collectibles that kicks off with the largest and most comprehensive auction of Mondo prints