August 27, 2020, 3:29pm With this year’s Independent Bookstore Day occurring at a particularly rough time for booksellers, the iconic Powell’s Books in Portland has decided to make a statement and stop selling through Amazon. In a statement, owner Emily Powell notes that the occasion, this year, feels “especially weighty,” prompting them to take action
Stock your closet with these quar-ready, WFH-friendly basics Like nearly every other facet of our lives, there’s a good chance the COVID-19 pandemic has totally upended your approach to fashion. Gone are the days of buying showy, impractical pieces just because. Our much narrower worlds means a few closet staples receive heavy rotation, while most
It’s why I do Eckhaus [Latta]: It’s honest, I know the designers, it’s super familial. But I had kind of capped it at that. I was fearful because this is something that I was less experienced in and so, of course, there was a little impostor syndrome. But I also felt that I’m less experienced
On August 25, the Republican National Convention kicked off its second evening of endorsements for President Donald Trump with (debatably accurate) speeches from the current president’s colleagues, constituents and family members. This includes remarks from his third and current wife Melania Trump who gave a lengthy speech in the White House Rose Garden. While there