
(CNN) — The comforting glug of wine into glass has been one of the few pleasures left to us during the long months of lockdown — but how much better to enjoy it on a sunlit winery terrace. The World’s Best Vineyards awards, created to honor the finest in modern wine tourism, was meant to
Melissa da Silva, president of tour operators Trafalgar Tours, Brendan Vacations and Costsaver, divisions of Cypress, California-based The Travel Corporation. Trafalgar Tours/The Travel Corporation One of the biggest disappointments of the pandemic lockdown of 2020 — and there are many — has to be the eagerly awaited vacations and getaways that millions of Americans have
(CNN) — When the Netherlands introduced lockdown measures in mid-March, Amsterdam’s Red Light District transformed into a ghost town overnight. Coronavirus dealt a devastating blow to the Dutch capital’s notorious window brothels and left over 300 legally operating sex workers without an income for almost four months. The district in Amsterdam’s historic center, known locally
(CNN) — From isolated English beaches to plunge pools in the Costa Rican cloud forest. Icy ponds at five-star hotels in the heart of Peru to quiet riverbanks in the Japanese Alps. These swimming spots are the ultimate escape for those looking for adventure once the months of being unable to hit the road finally
States are taking differing approaches to reopening and closing. States including Colorado and Alabama have instituted mask mandates as Nevada and Michigan are among those who have closed bars to curb the spread of the coronavirus. These five charts illustrate trends in important industries that help track reopening progress in the U.S. Direction requests Data
(CNN) — Once one of the world’s most powerful travel documents, the might of the US passport has shriveled under the cloud of coronavirus, with doors slammed shut across the planet to American travelers. With US coronavirus cases recently passing the three million mark, many nations now view America with trepidation. No matter how much