
The 5G shakeup has already started in many markets. Service providers are actively considering how they can evolve from being primarily consumer – oriented providers of voice, text and data to become much more business – and enterprise-focussed, enabling a more diverse range of B2B2x services. This paper discusses network slicing, partner ecosystems, enterprise marketplaces
As many of us are working from home and connecting with our colleagues, teams, and clients through video conferences due to the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for high-quality webcams has increased significantly. But as computer peripheral makers and laptop companies are yet to make notable improvements at their end, Panasonic has brought a solution called
With a new CTIO, Head of Europe, CEOs for Belgium and Spain and leader for the Engage2025 strategy, there are plenty of new faces in the Orange executive management team. Although this should not be seen as a complete overhaul of the business, Stéphane Richard is still the big boss and Ramon Fernandez is still
Microblogging platform Twitter has returned to more conventional forms of censorship by removing accounts found to be part of state-linked information operations. In an announcement titled Disclosing networks of state-linked information operations we’ve removed, Twitter revealed that is had permanently removed 32,242 accounts if determined to be run by foreign governments to further their dastardly
The geopolitical battle for the soul of the internet took another turn with the news that Zoom suspended the account of US-based Chinese activists. The group in question is called Humanitarian China, which recently published a press release entitled “Humanitarian China’s Zoom account shut down after conference commemorating 31st anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre”. While the
The US State Department has accused the Chinese Government of bullying the UK with the threat of retaliatory action against UK businesses should Huawei’s 5G role be threatened. In a statement from US State Department, the US Government has condemned alleged tactics from the Chinese Government. The assumed tactics see the Chinese Government pressurising the
The first UK prosecution for vandalising mobile masts, following the 5G/coronavirus hysteria, has resulted in a lengthy prison sentence. A 47-year-old man named Michael Whitty pleased guilty to starting a fire inside the equipment box of a Vodafone tower in Kikby, near Liverpool, on 5 April, according to the Liverpool Echo. He had apparently left