Tech periodically invites expert third parties to share their views on the industry’s most pressing issues. In this piece Francesca Greane, Marketing, Content and Community Lead for 5G World 2020, discusses the future of 5G. According to Omdia’s recent global survey, which saw over 600 respondents from 55 countries, the extraordinary events of 2020 have
Zoom on Wednesday set out to capitalise on its pandemic-powered popularity with a touchscreen display tuned to its video-conferencing platform. “Zoom for Home” was touted as combination of hardware and software designed for working remotely, a trend that promises to remain after the coronavirus threat abates. The 27 inch (69 cm) displays customised for collaborating
The Chinese foreign ministry reckons the Wall Street Journal fabricated a story just to stir up trouble between Europe and China. The story in question was based on anonymous sources, who claimed that if the European Union decided to follow the UK’s lead in banning Huawei kit from its members’ 5G networks, China might just
Flush with mountains of fresh investment, Indian telco Reliance Jio has unveiled its greenfield 5G plans and wants spectrum for it ASAP. Last week CEO Mukesh Ambani revealed Jio has developed a 5G solution ‘from scratch’, implying it wasn’t relying on anyone else for any part of it. He also said it would be available
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has reported year-on-year revenue growth of 28% while also confirming it will no longer supply chips to Huawei after September 14. The US Government has been making considerable progress to inhibit the progress of China’s telecoms champion in recent months, and this news chalks up another victory. TSMC, a key
What are the key execution capabilities needed for service providers to strengthen their enterprise position? To capture real perspectives and priorities, we engaged in strategic discussions with selected service providers globally. Get insights from these engagements, along with a detailed analysis on how to capture 5G business opportunities beyond mobile broadband, in this report. Topics
Belgium regulator BIPT has granted temporary 5G licences to five telecoms operators, kick-starting the 5G era in the country. While Proximus might claim it has already launched ‘5G Light’ products, this is somewhat of a dubious launch as it was offering services over existing spectrum licences. As many have found out in the US, unless
Despite paying a heavy price for its involvement in the Chinese 5G market, Ericsson’s profitability is headed in the right direction, as is its share price. Sales were flat, year-on-year, but Ericsson managed to wring a percentage point of gross margin out of its stoical workforce, resulting in a 40% increase in net income. We