
Whether you want it to or not, the future is coming. And it will either be the same, better or worse than what you know right now in the present. The only way to ensure that it will be better is to set long-term goals to strive for in the long-run. Of course, that’s no
On my trip, I cracked open a new book—determined to start and finish it before returning home—and enjoyed the simple pleasure of reading the printed word on paper. It was tactile, physical and easy to pick up or lay down on my chest when I wanted to rest my eyes for a bit. Mentally engaging
Originally developed as an inexpensive replacement for silk during World War II, ripstop nylon was created (and is still used) for the production of military parachutes. It’s since been used in sails for yachts, hot air balloons and camping equipment like tents and sleeping bags. You’ve no doubt seen it on bags and other hardwearing
“I used to train so much and never stretched besides quickly before I got started,” says jet-setting DJ and influencer Brendan Fallis. “I’m now dedicating at least an hour a week for an intense stretch session and focusing daily on my own time.” These days, he says, he sits straighter, walks a little taller and
Just so we’re clear, this isn’t about clandestine drinking. This is not about that bottle you keep hidden in your drawer for when you have to stay late. What we’re talking about here is official, organized drinking. Not necessarily on the clock, but in regards to your career. Here at Valet., we partake in occupational
  Stress is a fact of modern life, that’s pretty much a given. But too much stress can do a number on a man’s body and mind, resulting in everything from headaches and weight gain to hair loss and erectile dysfunction. So the better you can deal with it, the better your health, hair and
Lucky recipients will each win a bundle valued at $500 featuring cult-favorite brands like K18, HigherDose, Tower 28 Beauty, and Gisou. Thank you for your entry. We’ll reach out via the email you provided by June 30, 2024, if you are a winner. Best of luck! View original source here