
After a tortuous five days of methodical vote counting, county-by-county projections, and bizarre protests and conspiracy theories from President Donald Trump, all the major TV networks, cable companies, and print media outlets called the presidential election for Joe Biden late Saturday morning. (Vox’s Decision Desk, to its credit, got there 24 hours earlier.) Biden served
At some point today, or tomorrow, or next week, outlets of varying prestige will call the presidential election for Joe Biden. The Decision Desk, Vox’s election-calling partner, already has, as has (checks notes) Pop Crave. But most of the major shot-callers like CNN, MSNBC and the networks, who share the same data, have Joe Biden
Sarah McBride was elected to the Delaware State Senate on Tuesday night, making her the first openly transgender state senator in the history of the United States. Set against a yet-to-be-determined presidential-election backdrop Tuesday night, her win marks history in a down-ballot race. McBride ran on a classic progressive platform: expanded paid leave, affordable healthcare,
As many election-law doomsayers predicted, Donald Trump has spent the morning after election night misleading the American public about the results, claiming a victory he hasn’t won or complaining of “magically” disappearing margins as votes continue to be counted. None of this is a surprise. Yet none of this is normal. In a normal election
There’s still a lot up in the air after last night’s election last night, but as the dust settles, one thing seems clear: Americans support drug policy reform. A wide range of decriminalization and legalization initiatives appeared on ballots across the country last night. All of them passed. The biggest breakthrough of the evening came
“We have to remember the boat parades!”—Dana Perino Last night, the 2020 presidential election finally arrived, and I spent it watching Fox News for roughly nine hours. I’m glad that I did, because around 11:20 p.m. the network’s Decision Desk, chillingly known as the Nerdquarium by its employees, shocked and rocked the nation by calling
Who did you look to for this sort of guidance, both spiritually and with your diet? Were you reading books? Did you have mentors? It started out with meditation for me. There were certain questions I asked the universe while I was in my meditation. I read books, like The Autobiography of a Yogi, sacral
It wouldn’t be quite that simple. Connery played Bond in two more movies. Enticed to return for 1971’s Diamonds Are Forever, he donated his considerable salary to charity. In need of cash after some bad real estate investments, he played him again in 1983’s Never Say Never Again for a rival Bond production made possible
Lawal says that the institutional resistance isn’t surprising. “What you find is a lot of the relationship between older people and younger people here tends to be built on systems that thrive on violence. When a system thrives on violence, the moment you try to eradicate that violence, it pushes back.” Yet, “young people rose
So, again, I really grew up on that movie and it’s something that I can still watch to this day. I don’t watch many of the movies I’ve done—and it’s not because I don’t like them, I love them all—but I can watch a little bit of Dead Presidents and still get that same feeling