Express Gratitude
A gentleman always acknowledges the time and attention someone has given him. Whether it was a brief exchange or a lengthy discussion, saying thanks is a simple yet powerful way to convey appreciation. Start with a phrase as straightforward as “Thank you for your time” or “I appreciate our conversation.” It goes a long way in leaving a positive impression. Morag Barrett, a leadership coach and author of Cultivate: The Power of Winning Relationships suggests accompanying this statement with a handshake (in more formal or business situations), and then moving on.
Signal Closure
If you can’t get out straight away, look for those natural lulls in the conversation to provide a subtle indication that the conversation is coming to an end. Words like “so …” and “well …” emerge when a conversation has momentarily stalled and provide the perfect opportunity to begin to disengage. This is considerate and helps avoid abruptness. Then you can toss in a phrase such as “It’s been a pleasure talking with you,” or “I won’t keep you any longer” to serve as gentle cues that the interaction is winding down.
Hit the
HighlightsRecap the main points of your chat briefly. It shows you were paying attention, allows for a moment of reflection and leaves a good impression. You’re basically bringing the conversation around to the reason you connected in the first place. Try something like, “I really appreciate the travel tips and will definitely hit that shop in Paris.”