“I used to train so much and never stretched besides quickly before I got started,” says jet-setting DJ and influencer Brendan Fallis. “I’m now dedicating at least an hour a week for an intense stretch session and focusing daily on my own time.” These days, he says, he sits straighter, walks a little taller and not only feels stronger but also travels better. And he’s not alone. Guys who take their fitness seriously and keep up on the latest, greatest advances in wellness are looking to limber up.
Especially if you find yourself sitting at a desk most days. Sure, you’re off your feet but prolonged sitting sessions can wreak havoc on your body. You tighten your hip flexors while slumping your shoulders and your posture pays the price. But if you start to incorporate a few vital stretches into your daily routine, not only will you feel the difference but you’ll start to notice positive changes in your body too.
According to the American Council on Exercise, stretching has been found to enhance athletic performance, while decreasing stress levels and improving blood flow and circulation. By minimizing wear and tear on your joints, you’ll boost your muscular function, reducing your risk of injury. Say goodbye to pesky aches, stubborn knots and hello to bigger muscles and greater flexibility. If you’re tired of waking up in the morning achy or constantly tight and sluggish, it’s time to start stretching. All you need is a foam roller. After all, you’ve got nothing to lose, right?