Month: September 2020

September 25, 2020, 11:18am Graham Swift’s Here We Are; Natalie Zina Walschots’ Hench; Christina Lamb’s Our Bodies, Their Battlefields; and Laila Lalami’s Conditional Citizens all feature among the Best Reviewed Books of the Week. Fiction 1. Here We Are by Graham Swift 8 Rave • 5 Positive • 1 Mixed • 1 Pan “Here We Are is a
Hong Kong (CNN) — For many travelers, spending a lot of time in a hotel means you haven’t properly gone out and enjoyed a destination. For James Scullin, who has visited the Hermit Kingdom eight times, hotels were the highlight of the trip — and one of the only ways to get to know locals
Global sales of tablets will grow this year for the first time in six years, one analyst firm predicts, with an increase in home usage meaning consumers are turning to larger-screen devices. Sales will be up 1% in full-year 2020 to 160.8 million units, according to the latest forecast from Strategy Analytics. It’s a small
Womack says the lines “And I always been that kid, maybe I won’t be if I live / Long enough” were based on how he felt about always being the youngest person in the room. “He was always the kid, and also in that group of guys that he was collaborating with he was always
(CNN) — David Yeskel remembers the days of yore with packed shows and crowded casinos and, especially, all-you-can-eat buffets. Yeskel, a Las Vegas travel writer known as “The Vegas Guru,” remembers the endless supplies of caviar at the Bellagio. The Peking duck pancakes made to order at the Wynn. The foie gras peanut-butter-and-jelly at the
The German communications regulator has handed out over 70 licences to public and private sector applicants to build 5G campus networks. More applications are on the way. Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency), or BNetzA, which oversees the telecoms industry in Germany (among many other industries within its purview), announced earlier this week that it has so
Six months into a pandemic that has grounded much of the world, I not only miss traveling, I miss the small rituals of flying. The plane movie, for instance. The ideal plane movie is something easy and low-stakes that you probably won’t ever think about again. You wouldn’t go see it in a theater for