Mindsight has been an amazing talent on the radar for a good time. An experimental electronic project of Munich, Germany based producer and visual artist Joshua Neumann. Mindsight continues to breach new boundaries with his sound design challenging himself to reach new heights. ‘Fall In’ instantly draws in your attention with the panned out drums
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TODAY: In 1959, Nigerian writer Ben Okri is born. “We downplay issues with food as just par for the course, the cost of doing business in girlhood.” Emily Layden on eating disorders and the secret lives of teenage girls. | Lit Hub If we can’t live in the utopia of a world without emails, Cal Newport suggests
Verizon will spend $10 billion over the next three years rolling out 5G on its new C-band spectrum and is completely unphased about making a return on its massive investments. Further, it appears than home broadband will play as big a part as mobile in helping the US telco in driving revenue growth from 5G,
Finnish kit vendor Nokia has unveiled a new service enablement platform that’s designed to enable innovation across the OpenRAN ecosystem. The new SEP is apparently “The first commercial solution to deliver radio network programmability, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning innovation across the OpenRAN ecosystem.’ It bundles together Nokia’s RAN Intelligent Controller and edge computing stuff